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首进南半球丨科大讯飞惊艳亮相新西兰AI Day 创:iFLYTEK科大讯飞今天

  • 作者:云中漫步_2012
  • 2019-03-31 14:51:07
  • 分享:
首进南半球丨 【科大讯飞(002230)股吧】 惊艳亮相新西兰AI Day
创:iFLYTEK 科大讯飞 今天

As a natural extension of the Silk Road in the 21st century, New Zealand is a bright pearl on the "Belt and Road" map. When it comes to it, you may think of the sun, the pasture, and the Hobbit, where the mountains and rivers are magnificent, along with fabulous scenery and pleasant weather. In addition to the gift of nature, New Zealand's continued development of AI is also notable. In July 2018, the world's first AI teacher entered a primary school in New Zealand. Bring a course in energy use to children to unlock AI's new experience.
科大讯飞 一直致力于构建人工智能产业生态,推动国际化战略支持全球合作伙伴共同建设人工智能美好世界,并积极响应“一带一路”倡议,发挥自身优势,提供语音和语言的技术平台资源。
iFLYTEK has been committed to building the ecology of AI industry, promoting the international strategy and supporting global partners to build a better world of artificial intelligence, and actively responding to the "Belt and Road" initiative to give full play to its advantages and provide technical platform resources for voice and language.

Never had such a convenient dictation and translation experience!
3月27日-28日,新西兰的人工智能顶级盛典——人工智能日(AI-Day)在奥克兰举行。众多来自政府机构的负责人、科技领域的专家学者以及国际知名企业代表出席, 科大讯飞 作为唯一来自亚洲的企业,也受邀参加此次大会,与国际同行畅谈人工智能的前沿发展。
March 27-28 -- New Zealand's top AI festival – (AI-Day) -- was held in Auckland. Many officials from government agencies, experts and scholars in the field of science and technology as well as representatives of internationally renowned enterprises attended the conference. iFLYTEK was invited as the only Chinese enterprise in the event, and gave a talk about the frontier development of AI with international counterparts.

AI Day现场观众体验讯飞翻译机2.0
Audience experienced the iFLY Translator 2.0 on AI Day
The AI-Day was hosted by the New Zealand AI Association (NewZealand.AI) and the New Zealand AI Forum. Top international industry experts and business representatives from New Zealand, Australia, China and the United States attended the presentations and seminars. International giants such as Microsoft, IBM, and Spark have appeared to meet this A.I. feast.
大会围绕如何运用A.I.技术管理新闻传播、 【机器人(300024)股吧】 能否取代人类教师、以及A.I.技术助力推进癌症检测和治疗等方面主题展开,共同探讨A.I.这一充满潜力的科学技术如何影响我们的生活,展示A.I.在健康、服务、制造等多个领域的创新应用和发展前景。
The conference focused on how to use AI technology to manage news communication, whether robots can replace human teachers, and AI technology to promote cancer detection and treatment, and explore how AI, a potential science and technology, affects our lives, showing AI Innovative applications and development prospects in many fields such as health, service and manufacturing.
科大讯飞 国际合作部总经理张武旭先生、智慧金融事业部总经理解飞先生、消费者事业群副总裁王玮女士依次进行了现场演讲,分享了中国人工智能产业发展状况以及 科大讯飞 在包括金融科技等多领域的产业应用以及众多面向普通消费者的人工智能产品情况。
Mr. Zhang Wuxu, General Manager of iFLYTEK InternationalCooperation Department, Mr. Xie Fei, General Manager of Smart Service and Fintech Department, andMs. Wang Wei, Vice President of Consumer Business Group, gave live speeches in succession,sharing the development of China's AI industry, industrial applications in multiplefields and many AI products for consumers.

(左右滑动) 王玮、解飞、张武旭现场分享
(Slide left and right) Wang Wei, Xie Fei, Zhang Wuxu live sharing
在 科大讯飞 与会嘉宾发表演讲的同时,还向现场观众展示了“讯飞听见智能会议系统”提供的实时中英转写和翻译,在演讲嘉宾穿插中演讲分享的同时,所有现场观众通过屏幕上的转写及翻译也很好地理解了演讲内容,极大提高了沟通效率。“很神奇很方便,在新西兰从未有过这样的展示体验!”当分享告一段落,观众们对来自大洋彼岸的“讯飞听见”系统赞不绝口,对翻译机、阿尔法蛋、录音笔等琳琅满目的人工智能产品兴趣盎然。
During the speech, the audience also experienced iFLYTEK’s real-time Chinese-English translation system, “iFLY Rec”. Audience could get a better understanding while the speeches can be translated into English immediately, which greatly improved the communication efficiency. “It’s amazing and so convenient. It has never been seen in New Zealand!” When the sharing came to an end, all the audience gave great compliment to the “iFLY Rec” system, also showed a lot of interest towards iFLY Translators, Alpha eggs, voice recorders, etc.
iFLY Rec provided real-time translation services during the event

Consulate General: Full Support for AI Science and Technology Innovation Projects Established in the" Little Giant", New Zealand
代表团在访问新西兰期间,与相关的各界合作伙伴开展了充分的交流。在德勤中国苏皖大区首席合伙人谈亮先生的陪同下, 科大讯飞 与德勤新西兰团队进行了深入的沟通与交流。与会的德勤新西兰合伙人Damian Harvey, Kate Reid 和Jenny Liu 对讯飞技术实力和产业应用表示高度赞赏,并对双方加强在新西兰智慧医疗、智慧金融和智能翻译应用等领域的合作充满期待。
During their visit to New Zealand, iFLYTEK delegation have exchanged thoughts with relevant industrial partners. Accompanied by Mr. Tan Liang, chief partner of Deloitte China's Jiangsu and Anhui regions, iFLYTEK had in-depth communication and exchange with Deloitte's New Zealand team, Damian Harvey, Kate Reid and Jenny Liu. They highly appreciated iFLYTEK's technical strength and industrial application, and were full of expectation for the two sides to strengthen their cooperation in the fields of New Zealand's smart medical care, smart finance and smart translation applications.

科大讯飞 为德勤介绍相关A.I.生态建设
iFLYTEK introduces related AI ecological development to Deloitte.
为了促进中国与新西兰在人工智能领域的技术合作, 科大讯飞 与新西兰最大的创投机构——The Icehouse,经过深入讨论和友好协商签署了战略合作协议,双方将加强息共享,并共同支持The Icehouse所投的科技创新企业来中国发展。The Icehouse首席执行官Andy Hamilton先生非常好中国人工智能产业的市场发展潜力以及中新两国人工智能产业的互䃼性,期待通过加强合作,让更多的新西兰创新企业分享中国大市场的机遇。
In order to promote the technical cooperation between China and New Zealand in the AI field, iFLYTEK and The Icehouse, New Zealand's largest venture capitalanization, signed a strategic cooperation agreement through in-depth discussions and friendly negotiations. The two sides will strengthen information sharing and jointly support the scientific and technological innovation enterprises invested by The Icehouse to develop in China. Mr. Andy Hamilton, CEO of The Icehouse, is very optimistic about the market potential of China's AI industry and the mutual nature of China's and New Zealand's AI industries. He looks forward to enabling more New Zealand innovative enterprises to share the opportunities in China's large market through strengthening cooperation.

科大讯飞 高级副总裁CFO段大为先生(左)与The Icehouse首席执行官Andy Hamilton(右)
Mr. Duan Dawei, Senior Vice President and CFO of iFLYTEK (left) and Andy Hamilton, CEO of The Icehouse (right)
访问期间, 科大讯飞 与当地代理经销商正式启动合作,为讯飞人工智能产品更好地服务于新西兰消费者搭建了销售和服务网络。
During the visit, iFLYTEK officially started cooperation with local agent dealers to build a sales and servicework for iFLYTEK AI.

科大讯飞 国际合作部总经理张武旭(右)与新西兰代理商David Yu(左)
Zhang Wuxu (right), General Manager of iFLYTEK International Cooperation Department, and David Yu (left), New Zealand Agent
3月26日,中国驻奥克兰总领事许尔女士在总领馆会见了 科大讯飞 代表团一行。 科大讯飞 高级副总裁兼CFO段大为先生介绍了 科大讯飞 的发展历程、科技创新、产业应用和开展国际合作的相关情况,表示公司将充分利用其在人工智能领域技术、数据、市场等方面的优势和资源,拓展与新西兰企业在产品营销、创新成果转化、风险投资等领域的互利共赢合作,加强中新科创交流,更好服务中新关系发展。
On March 26, the Chinese Consul General, Ms. Xu ErWen, met with the iFLYTEK delegation at the Consulate General in Auckland. Mr. Duan Dawei, iFLYTEK Senior Vice President and CFO introduced the development history, scientific and technological innovation, industrial application and international cooperation of iFLYTEK. He said that the company will make full use of its advantages and resources in the fields of AI, data and market, expand mutually beneficial cooperation with New Zealand enterprises in product marketing, transformation of innovative achievements and venture capital, strengthen exchanges between China and New Zealand, and better serve the development of China- New Zealand relations.

许尔总领事与 科大讯飞 代表团合影
Consul General Xu ErWen and iFLYTEK Delegation
许总领事充分肯定了 科大讯飞 的发展方向,指出新西兰是科创领域的“小巨人”,新中关系促进委员会去年撰写的“一带一路”专题报告将创新列为两国四大优先合作领域之一。希望 科大讯飞 等中资企业抓住机遇,充分发挥自身优势,为中新科创合作做出更大贡献,总领馆将全力支持并做好服务工作。
Consul General Xu fully affirmed iFLYTEK's development direction, pointing out that New Zealand is a “little giant" in the field of scientific innovation. The “Belt and Road " special report written by the New Zealand-China Relations Promotion Committee last year listed innovation as one of the four priority areas of cooperation between the two countries. It is hoped that Chinese enterprises such as iFLYTEK will seize the opportunity to give full play to their own advantages and make greater contributions to the cooperation between China and New Zealand, while the consulate general will provide full support.
未来, 科大讯飞 将持续推进技术创新,持续推进与国际伙伴的战略合作,将更多的人工智能技术成果和优质产品与“一带一路”沿线国家共享,为推进世界沟通无障碍贡献更多力量。
In the future, iFLYTEK will continue to promote technological innovation and strategic cooperation with international partners, share more AI technological achievements and high-quality products with countries along the “Belt and Road " route, and contribute more to the promotion of barrier-free communication in the world.





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  • 江恩支撑:39.49
  • 江恩阻力:44.43
  • 时间窗口:2024-04-25


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